Edgar Zivanai 2-Boy Tekere - Political party > ZUM - Tekere supported Mugabe at the 1985 elections but by October 1988 his consistent criticism of corruption resulted in his expulsion from the party. When Mugabe voiced his belief that Zimbabwe would be better governed as.....
a one-party state, Tekere strongly disagreed, saying "A one-party state was never one of the founding principles of ZANU-PF and experience in Africa has shown that it brought the evils of nepotism, corruption and inefficiency." ..........
He ran against Robert Mugabe in the 1990 Presidential race as the candidate of the Zimbabwe Unity Movement, offering a broadly free market platform against Mugabe's centralised economic planning. Edgar Tekere received unprecedented support for his opposition to Mugabe....
which led to massive election rigging by ZANU in order for Mugabe to win the election on 1 April 1990 receiving 2,026m votes while Tekere only got 413th (16% of the vote). At e simultaneous Parliamentary elections e ZUM won 20% of e vote but only two seats in e House of Assembly>
Zimbabwe Unity Movement supporters were the targets of violent attacks from supporters of ZANU (PF) and five candidates were murdered. A student representative Israel Mutanhaurwa of ZUM was abducted in broad daylight by suspected state agents at the local cinemas in Gweru ....
to be dumped unharmed on e outskirts of Mkoba a local suburb. No-one was arrested or convicted of the crime. Those convicted of the attempted murder of former Gweru Mayor Patrick Kombayi who was shot in lower abdomen but survived the shooting, were pardoned immediately afterwards
RGM did not tolerate any opposition. I just thought about it, was just looking this up as we remember our independence day. Difference of opinion does not mean we are enemies, if it is, what is e value our freedom, our independence if we can't differ as pple of w same blood?
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