Go on, you know you want to. You might even survive! YOLO
@SKendorkb Oohh, it’s emo boy! Gonna play some saddo MCR while we make out?

That’ll be 200 yen, please.
@K0maru_naegi hey hey Miss Protag! You here to make the writer witch jealous? You’re a brave one. She might scissor you! Pahahah!

200 yen, please.
@N0xH0PE aww. You wanna kiss me again? I’m starting to think you *actually* are obsessed with me!

200 yen, please.
@Pastel_pink_OwO you’re not gonna impersonate my voice while we’re at this, are you? Creepy.

200 yen, please!
@TIdabashi ooh, this should be interesting! I’ve never made out with a robot before... especially a Hopebot.

That’ll be 200 yen, tin-boy.
@SHSL_GamerGirl hmm... a model and a gamer girl making out... is this for your FansOnly account? You better give me half the commission if it is!

200 yen, please.
@Kokichi___Oma how did you know I’m wearing grape-flavoured lip balm?!

200 yen, please.
@ShuichiLovesYou hey hey, guyliner! Looking extra pale and mysterious today. You ready to lose your kissing virginity?

That’ll be 200 yen, please.
@DespairOlderSis ewwww, gross! Screw the money, there is NO WAY I’m kissing your repulsive face, let alone the fact we’re fresh and blood! I’m not Korekiyo, bitch!
@EvilCosplayer you showed up wearing a cosplay of me? Now that *is* commitment.

200 yen, please. (Kissing “myself” is gonna be sooooo weird, LOL)
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