After the Presidential elections, i remember many of my Lesotho peers asked why those of us that are not US citizens were so interested in their & elections & so against Trump while our politicians are no better. The answer should be obvious now.
I hope those who go about saying refusing to fund WHO is right can come to their senses.The power America has is derived from funding organizations such as this, the same way some people are relevant in their families,take away those funds and those people are useless.
Trump is your typical rich bully uncle, his way or the high way.
China and America have the biggest economies. They have the biggest potential to harm or save the world. Both can bring many nations into poverty. They are surely flexing their muscles now during this COVID-19 pandemic. Ho tlo nya rona shame.
His temporary suspension of funds to WHO will hurt. It will also hurt Americans. But, like climate change discussions, the world will move on without the USA. But trust me we need the USA to rebuild third world economy after this madness.
Sadly we need the USA, China & Europe to restart their economies. We need them to think together to solve the recession that is coming upon us. We need interdependent thinking. A failure of some African states will hit all. No lie Our NGO's in the L are heavily funded by the US
Oa bona meichommie with the mining industry so quick to retrench and saying their closing business post this pandemic already in the L shook most of us. Wait till all these NGO's who depend on American funding face the music. 🙆🙄
Anyway, one can only hope for the best. Mare ka power game tse tsa America le China haek!!!!!
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