sometimes you just gotta spill the tea.
THREAD- highlighting an extremely toxic artist in the community (AKA agent-lapin):


TLDR: multiple false claims of art theft, gaslighting, history of trying to control/manipulate other artists etc
this is mostly about style theft.

i made a thread that explains the concept. it's not a real thing, just a scam used to discredit & manipulate artists you don't like. i recommend reading QRT for further context on why lapin's behavior is manipulative
backstory: agent-lapin has a long history of accusing people of style theft for drawing eyelashes (they used to be a big part of her style)

she isn't the first person to draw eyelashes, but she feels if she doesn't personally give permission for someone to draw them, it's theft.
she isn't even the first person with a reputation for attacking people who draw eyelashes. that's how stupid style theft is- there aren't even original style theft accusations anymore.

"claims ownership of centuries old beauty ideals" types of artists are a dime a dozen nowadays
lapin has never apologized to me & stands by her words b/c she blocked me recently for standing up for artists she victimizes, and still tweets the same BS "advice" she gave me years ago.

doubling down that you feel entitled to control other artists, not a good hill to d*e on
now i'll get to the "how this has affected me personally" part.

this was in 2017 (i was barely 18), and you wouldn't be able to tell from the dms but it did end up tanking my self confidence in my art for a while. it is infuriating to have people claim credit for your work.
i was getting ready to open comms for the first time so i was DMing artists for pricing help, & agent-lapin was one of those artists. i had talked to her only once previously.

i was rather...unimpressed because i had JUST had a totally different artist accuse me of style theft
it wears you down to be consistent your entire art journey and have other artists capitalize on that to claim you're a thief. i've been drawing eyelashes for OVER SIX YEARS, you can't find art of mine w/o them bc it doesn't exist.

i've probably been drawing them for longer lmao
anyway- she goes on to claim that totally real people have totally told her about my art being similar, and as the "original artist", she feels compelled to tell me that me drawing smut is bad because HER art is pure & she doesn't want my association of "really explicit content"
let's go over drawing pinup (or, "really explicit content") makes her uncomfortable because it hurts HER reputation?

the only way that could possibly make sense is because she thinks she owns my art, or thinks my art is just an extension of *hers*. it's not.
she draws nsfw too tho. she has occasionally drawn nudity for years, with her art recently taking on an undeniably sexual context.

but did i ever get an apology for her sex shaming nonsense? no
some of her work that showcases nudity / sexual themes:
someone asked her about nsfw on cc

so when i draw pinup its "really explicit content" but when she does its "nsfw lite"

i'm glad we're not applying a double standard or anything here. it's not like someone is implied as lesser in this situation already
y'all, porn is only okay if it's her art and her ocs and pink and soft and stuff. when other artists who draw eyelashes do it, it makes her uncomfy pls be considerate :(

she did a nudity drawing challenge a few months ago too
i couldnt care less that her art is now mostly sexual content.

i care that i dm'd her about smth totally unrelated, and she changed it into making sure i was aware she didn't like that i was drawing "really explicit content" but now she draws nsfw herself and says it ISN'T nsfw
back to this:

"perhaps you are copying me...these people who are also my friends are saying so and i believe them."

"but i would never mistake your art for mine, nor would most people"

so whats the problem? do you just assume everybody associates eyelashes with your art? uhh
it's not about respect, it's about control. "i can't force you to do anything but it's disrespectful if you don't do what i want, which is change your style, because i don't like it"

she insisted on bringing it up. why does she care so much about my art and what i'm drawing??
i later made a thread about that other experience. that artist never apologized, but dozens of people DM'd me with the stories.

funny how those who are particularly hostile about style theft always prefer their "concerns" kept private? it's bc they pull this shit all the time
i just..this whole thing...accusing me of being too close for comfort and veering on the line of based...on...alternating lower lashes and shaped eye sparkles. that is BONKERS (w/ 0 proof)

you can find examples of both of those in my art in 2013-14, but sure its theft
accusing artists take a paper thin look at someone else's art and make the decision to attack them, hoping they can claim credit for the talent+work that went into it.

my eyelashes have been ridiculous for a LONG time. i mean, i created this masterpiece 6 years ago ffs
having been drawing eyelashes my ENTIRE ART JOURNEY, lemme tell ya, i have experimented with them a LOT.

my own eyes have gone through so many changes just from having it been a key interest for so long. lower alternating? i haven't done that SINCE 2017, pft
here's some of that toxic "advice" she loves to give...

she thinks that style can't be developed intentionally unless you're bumming it from someone, lol

my style isn't a lazy river, it's the thrill of rushing rapids. i FORCE myself to be better, to be happier with my art.
why should i care that some insecure artist may be "uncomfy" w my art? THEY'RE doing the work, it's THEIR art, THEIR money. fuck your feelings/entitlement

i covered this in my style theft thread.
hint: it's so you ask for approval before you draw anything
anyway, in the end when all i wanted was pricing help...

i shouldn't do commissions because it'd hurt her feelings because i'm stealing her style (by drawing shaped eye shinies and alternating lower eyelashes) and won't change it to make her happy. A+ advice
her price quote was "won't even look because your art shouldn't exist imo" damn girl calm down it's just eyelashes..most of her messages are word soup or just contradictions/lies

but if "i'm uncomfortable when my control is not prioritized by others" isn't enough for you...
at the time of this conversation, i was active on an art forum known as GASR (now art haven i think). lapin was well known there, because she co-founded it.

i say "well known" to refer to her toxic personality and poor leadership that nearly drove the site off a cliff.
i don't use GASR/AH anymore for reasons unrelated to lapin, but she had quite the reputation before she "left" the site, so it was quite surprising that this came up in our conversation

i never heard from anyone (or mods.)
months later i actually asked an admin about it, and:
ofc, what sounded like a terrifying threat (mods were gonna hear about me & crack down on my illegal eyelash contraband, oh no) was just a facade from an outcast run out of their own community. THAT'S how toxic agent-lapin is.

when gossip blogs were around, she was a regular
i've no doubt others have similar experiences, harassed by a delusional & insecure person preaching their "im the original artist!!" gospel.

you are welcome to share your story, let's spill this tea as a community
(tho i recommend replying to the first post in the thread.)
she is also very known for attacking artists for "similar" outfits/designs - but what i dealt with personally was art style/shinies/eyelashes.

she really thinks she owns everything...girl focus on yourself & not playing generic details police it's just pathetic at this point
dms are a one way street with her, as is having a conversation in general.

she'll immediately dm you if she feels "uncomfortable" but had 3 years to apologize to me and *crickets*!! she, like, combines dine and dashing with accusing people of art theft. idk how she does it.
anyway, this thread was a long time coming and don't be surprised if you end up seeing a lot of people replying to this thread who were also approached by the ghost of "i'm uncomfortable with your art style/design"

it was a pleasure to inform you all, and have a lovely day.
i def want to hammer in one thing to agent-lapin, whom i know is always watching but never listening:

no one cares what you think, its not disrespectful for people to not prioritize your toxic control freak feelings, no one asked, you don't own shit but your bland ocs. fuck off
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