Dumbfounded. Stunned. Astonished. @AngieNBC6 @SteveMacNBC6 and I are on conference readying today’s @nbc6 weathercasts and we’re overwhelmed by the sheer number of crazy heat records falling like flies here. This is July weather in April. First, here are current heat indexes.
90°+ days in 2020 up to this date = new record of 8 (previously 6)

75°+ nights in 2020 up to the date = new record of 17 (previously 16)

Earliest hottest weather of the year record has been set 3 times

Earliest 4 straight nights at 78°+ = new record by over 2 weeks (2017)

19 heat records in 8 days collectively for #Miami, Fort Lauderdale and #KeyWest

Ratio of record heat to record cold in #Miami so far this year is 21-0

I stopped counting but up to February Fort Lauderdale had 120 record hot temperatures without a single cold record since 2015.
And the hottest start to a year on record for Miami and many Florida & Georgia cities.

The heat is absolutely ridiculous.

4/4 #climate #thread
Check that. It just hit 93° in Miami. Another heat record. That’s 20 records in 8 days. And it makes the ratio of record heat to record cold in Miami this year 22 to NADA

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