This is pretty unconscionable. @OxfordHealthNHS is recommending yoga, dancing, and cognitive behavioral therapy for post- #COVID19 patients who continue to have symptoms, when we don’t even understand #COVID19 let alone the sequelae it causes.
It conflates what happens to “most of us” after a flu with the complete unknown of what happens after a NOVEL VIRUS.
It assumes these sequelae may be due to mental health problems instead of, say, brain or organ damage.

It recommends graded exercise to a population who may have lung damage, a population in which it has never been trialed.
And based its recommendations on the (frankly, historically abominable abuse) of patients with #mecfs and evidence from that patient population which has been thoroughly debunked
If past is prologue, a subset of patients with #COVID19 will experience lingering and in some cases, lifelong symptoms. We know this from past outbreaks of coronaviruses and a wide range of completely unrelated infections:
It is really important that we BOTH treat these patients as a unique population with its own challenges AND understand how they relate to all the other populations who have also experienced post-infectious sequelae after a range of infections.

We should both lump and split.
What we absolutely must not do is psychologize post- #COVID19 patients, treat them with a confused mis-mash of pseudoscience, fall back on age-old tropes where we laud the "strong" who "won" the #COVID19 "war" through shear force of will and blame those who did not fully recover.
Illness is still not a metaphor. Ableism is not a public health policy. Victim-blaming is not medicine. Wishful thinking is not science. Incuriosity is a choice.
While human nature has not changed and neither have our systems, we have all the lessons, wisdom, language, and community-organizing to do better this time, for these patients.

We must.
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