Story Time:
So I sat in a high-caliber DAO discord convo yesterday. @Ripple's #Dactyl drops and I lose it, because I *NEEDED* that tool; I didn't know where else to go looking for something like that, and I falls right into my lap. So I'm describing to others, and get hit with...
"Oh Ripple built it? - You should not talk about it then, they are the dark side of this space!"


I respond, "DARKSIDE?! The darkside does't open source their tech stack over and over again to give us tools to build a new global internet"...
"The Darkside doesn't invest in global education - regardless of geopolitics - to expand the idea and values of consensus and interoperability"

The tribalism that comes from these other #DigitalAssets asset spaces is all based in fear. I can smell it, but wont let it consume me.
I hadn't been hit with the #FUD-ly stick in so long that I forgot that it stings a bit...

I know other people deal with this DAILY. So I want to turn this thread into something new:

Did you have someone try to add +1 to your #0Doubt? What did you do? How can we learn from it?
You can follow @PonderJaunt.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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