“sometime in the last 24 years we know they did SOMETHING inconsistent with (incoherent) US “zero-yield” interpretation.”

But...if you don’t know how many or when or even what then how can you claim it was inconsistenr with US Zero Yield interpretation? https://twitter.com/kingstonareif/status/1250491310789873665
Let’s also talk how “zero-yield” is:

A) a definitional nightmare that streches way beyond hydro-nuclear tests (it can & will be argued) US is fixated on.


B) unverifiable (for foreseeable future)

Which you don’t want in your arms control treaties if you can avoid it.

Let’s also talk how “zero-yield interpretation” has increasingly become point of polarization mobilized (sometimes bad faith) to foment suspicion in opposition to Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.

RememberMadeline Albright demarsh-mallowed Russians?


The “RUSSIA HAS TESTED A NUKE/HYDRO-NUCLEAR TEST!” accusations have long been a talking point as the Albeight incident suggests...

....oh, and look who else was peddling vague Russian nuclear test theories 9 months ago?


@CherylRofer https://nucleardiner.wordpress.com/2019/07/09/john-bolton-goes-for-the-big-one-the-ctbt/

🚨”Zero yield is not a technically viable statement”🚨

As I pointed out last time we accused Russians of violating CTBT (which US has not ratified)...

...we violate a strict Zero Yield interpretation rule everytime we shock plutonium or HEU FFS.


Right on time!

United States has signed—but not ratified—CTBT so it always entertains me somewhat that we so gleefully & w/o public evidence accuse others of violating it.

But here’s Mr. I Hate Treaties doing exactly what I described above:

https://twitter.com/jackdetsch/status/1250532854913785856?s=21 https://twitter.com/jackdetsch/status/1250532854913785856

What is hydronuclear testing?

-produces tiny nuclear yield thru supercritical chain reaction.

-lets you see & measure how weapons & primaries start to go nuclear.

usefullness depends on test experience & capability but not great for weapon development, etc.

The United States conducted multiple hydronuclear tests during the 1958-1961 nuclear test moratorium.

Discussed in this short and readable report:


Positions hydronuclears of 1958-1961 as both undetectable & necessary for checking warhead safety.

US was never as fond of hydronuclear testing as the Soviets, IIUC, but we did a fair (classifed🙄) number.

means we blew up & left in NV packages of radioactive, toxic, & dangerous metals & materials.

Sometimes we left the shafts uncovered! 😬


That’s it from me on hydronuclear tests tonight.

As always if you learn from, enjoy, or whatever from my research and work please enable it:

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