Have you ppl finished patting yourselves on the back yet for being more serious authorities on the point of my tweet than me (who wrote it), and the facts about Canada & COVID-19?
The point of the tweet, which was missed by many commenters, was that too many media outlets used worst-case-scenario headlines which they represented as being likely scenarios, escalating rational concern & fear into panic.
We do not have thousands of deaths in Canada. We didn't wind-up just like Italy. Our hospitals are not unable to handle the influx of ppl who need hospitalization. None of the doomsday scenarios bad media & social media spread have been born out. Because we followed procedures.
Ppl w/heart conditions, mental health & anxiety issues were made worse by clickbait media spread through social media. We need to take a sober look at the damaging health effects of not just the virus but the coverage of it. Because there will be other viruses.
I never said the virus would be cured in 30 days, or that everything would be back to normal, or that there was no cause for concern. If that's what you got from the tweet, you read that in yourself. And the numerous tweets I've made telling ppl to follow precautions disproves it
I believe we do have the virus situation under much greater control than 30 days ago. Cdns complied w/common sense rules. Plans for businesses & employees are in place. The feds stepped up to help ppl economically. There's already talk of re-opening the country in stages.
All of that is a far cry from the mass confusion of a month ago. So in my view, we have the situation under control. We're managing it. We're not back to previous norms, but we're much better informed & handling it responsibly. Making & enacting sensible plans = control
You can disagree, you can have your definition of what constitutes having the situation under control. But how about you stop continuing to predict coming catastrophe & start considering the effect outsized takes on the virus are having on ppls health?
Because THAT WAS MY POINT. I could have been clearer, sure, but that doesn't mean you can read whatever you want into my tweet & determine with authority what my message was. Go find somewhere else to make yourself feel smart & authoritative.
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