Updated list of #WWE releases today:

Karl Anderson
Luke Gallows
Drake Maverick
Curt Hawkins
Heath Slater
Eric Young
Lio Rush
Billy Kidman
Mike Rotunda
Pat Buck
Fit Finlay
Shawn Daivari
Scott Armstrong
Sarah Stock
Shane Helms
Lance Storm
Kurt Angle
Very unfortunate situation for all involved. There's a ton of quality talent here, and this serves as a reminder that the company dropped the ball with several of these names while hoarding as much talent as possible. Hope to see them excel elsewhere when the pandemic ends.
Aiden English has also been released.

Sarah Logan
Mike Chioda

This really sucks.
#WWE Releases (Updated Again)

K. Anderson
L. Gallows
D. Maverick
C. Hawkins
H. Slater
E. Young
Lio Rush
B. Kidman
M. Rotunda
P. Buck
Fit Finlay
S. Daivari
S. Armstrong
S. Stock
S. Helms
L. Storm
K. Angle
M. Chioda
S. Logan
A. English
E. Rowan
M. Kanellis
That's Mike Kanellis (Michael Bennett), not Maria. I cut it down to first initials due to space and should have clarified.

There are more coming.
Maria now added to the list.
Zack Ryder has been added to the list of #WWE releases.
No doubt he and Brian (Curt Hawkins) could do some really good stuff outside WWE. Long felt they've been underutilized given their loyal fan following.
No Way Jose has been released by #WWE
Chioda, Angle, Maverick, and the entire list of performers so far appear to be releases. The producers appear to be furloughs for now. #WWE
Rusev and Deonna Purrazzo should be added to the original list. There's more coming.
As I mentioned earlier, there are unfortunately more names coming (NXT). With NXT airing live tonight, WWE has not yet published them. Deonna Purrazzo confirmed her release.
MJ Jenkins, Jerry Soto (Spanish Announcer), Josiah Williams, and Aleksandar Jaksic have all received #WWE releases. #wwereleases
#WWE Performance Center coaches Serena Deeb, Kendo Kashin and Ace Steel have also been released today.
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