A YEAR of making threads of good shit that's happened recently in the FGC. Here's episode 52, week 53. Grab a slice of cake and scroll on for another 10 🍰
1. First up, a thread of fond @ComboBreaker retrospectives: https://twitter.com/TheHadou/status/1248020970310426624?s=19
2. How about some good-ass...Virtua Fighter!
FT15 grudge match between @Tricky_Eileen and @rodnutz
Archive here: http://www.twitch.tv/virtuakazama/v/590500661?sr=a&t=9s
3. @HiFightTH getting all cerebral:
4. The healing properties of Killer Instinct: https://twitter.com/NickyFGC/status/1249128451082260481?s=19
5. Commentators keeping their tools sharp during the lockdown: https://twitter.com/VSTheJanitor/status/1248931029777354754?s=19
6. An online Tekken circuit: https://twitter.com/cuddle_core/status/1248095219779862528?s=19
7. A nice thread of FGC memories: https://twitter.com/TheMamaDao/status/1248992594161352704?s=19
8. An unexpected Tekken X Street Fighter crossover: https://twitter.com/TekkenLowHigh/status/1250051268032319488?s=19
9. Positive community infrastructure: https://twitter.com/DivineMusesFGC/status/1248007260275527680?s=19
10. A new #TheNeutral with @baitelephone https://twitter.com/AmandaTNStevens/status/1250165996813537281?s=19
Bonus! ...FIGHT STICK DRUM MACHINE: https://twitter.com/Kikideliver_/status/1249162210238226435?s=19
Bonus bonus...the first one: https://twitter.com/behindthewires/status/1118539042885459968?s=19
And that's it for this week! Whole-ass year of good shit shared, cos good shit is always there. Share it more!
You can follow @behindthewires.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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