Capricorn 🐐 In the recent past you went through one or several wake up calls that really shook you to your core. This lead you down a different path that calls for an innate change in yourself, you may be seeing 5's and variations of 6 and 9's. That stage where you had to learn-
things the hard way is coming to an end. It could feel impossible and like one hell of an up-hill battle at times but you have the inner resolve of a warrior. Instead of trudging through life you are begining to stroll down your path feeling hopeful and expectant of the future ⬇
You are experiencing a rebirth, the old you is shedding away with every step forward you make. Once a caterpillar, you are now emerging from the cocoon. You're a little wary as these new ways of thinking and doing are out of your element, + you're scared that you might backtrack-
As a Cap stellium I'm here to tell you that sometimes you may slip. That does NOT equate to being a worthless person. This awareness that you've gained is going to bring you back to reality every time. Don't doubt yourselves trust that you can pull yourself back from the edge at
any time you need to. Some of you are in the begining stages of healing, the hardest is part is getting through the thick of it. You ARE the Magician, you can morph your reality and be whatever you need to be WHENEVER you need to. Remind yourself of any + everytime you excelled⬇
past your own self limitations and grew. Everytime you truly out your mind to something and you succeeded. Now that you know what kind of person you don't want to be its time to in time become someone you can be proud of. A person that can be counted on, you're destined for big-
things. You've felt that your whole life, it's your destiny & you are the only one who can fulfill it. Stand tall for you have passed the first of many tests, wanting + striving to be a better person than you were before. ✹🐐💚
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