You’ve never read this book.
Since you’ve never seen the inside of it, here’s a page from my copy in the chapter you cited. Detailing how indisciplined and soft the Army was in that day. The title of the chapter is meant to be ironic because were so ill prepared and trained in comparison to previous wars.
Spirit won what we managed to eke out in that nutroll of a war. Spirit and natural selection that eliminated Soldiers and Leaders who cares more about haircuts than their men and the mission, you colossal stereotype.
Take your at-home time during this quarantine to reflect on whether you really believe the bullshit you’re spewing or if you’re just sacrificing your morals to angle for a General’s Aide position at the expense of everything the Army has tried to teach you about leading Soldiers.
Or better yet, if you’re near Benning DM me so I can meet you somewhere with a six pack and we can share some beers while I try to deprogram you. Whoever did this to you fucked you over in a big way and you deserve better.
You can follow @CSenco.
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