What the hell was the logic of sending out $1200 to all of us— even if we’re still working from home? Businesses are closed, we’re stuck at home, this won’t increase demand. Not as a big of a waste as unaccountable hundreds of billions to corporate crooks. Was this a bribe to us?
unpopular opinion I know —
Who doesn’t like money? but I don’t just want ”free stuff” from the government with no logical plan.
Experiencing a semi-UBI has turned me into a champion of means-testing any cash transfers. Better the government spends this money hiring people (Federal jobs guarantee).
Or is the logic that we are heading into a depression in which we are all gonna need that extra $1,200 bc there’s not safety net.
Given that we’re all terrified- those of us who are still employed are likely to save and not spend this money.
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