Finance Professor "I don't see a fear of increased inflation due to the fiscal and monetary stimulus because demand is significantly lower". WAKE UP. What happens if this virus doesn't last nearly as long as people anticipate and then demand suddenly shifts back to where it was!?
The level of stimulus was unprecedented for the amount of information and time we have on COVID-19. The risk wasn't nearly worth the reward. The stock market clearly suggests it. Increase Fed balance sheet implicates higher potential inflation and leads to higher stock prices!
Incentives should be addressed as well. Federal government depends on HIGHER inflation to cheapen the $24 trillion debt over a long period of time. Inflation and low/negative interest rates are the only way to possibly monetize such large sums of debt!
Trump knows this and it is exactly why he has been ripping the Fed for as long as he has. The problem remains though. Its damned if you do and damned if you don't!
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