Okay so, I think with this it can get pretty hard cos all of these ladies careers are 20+ years old and what they do may not seem unique anymore because they have been emulated so much, however if you put yourself back when they were earlier in their careers it’s a bit clearer https://twitter.com/dinosells1/status/1250250488735502336
What you have to understand is when Whitney debuted NO ONE WAS SINGING LIKE THAT. No one meshed gospel styling and pop styling like that so effortlessly. That was VERY unique at the time. It basically set the new standard for what pop singing was.
The way she approached a vocal, the way she embellished certain lines were/are unique. Cos even though that sound was emulated, no one did it like her. We all know what a Whitney vocal/an attempt at a Whitney-like vocal sounds like
Mariah, Bey and Toni’s sound is all based around the foundation Whitney made with their own signature stamp on it but the fact we can hear that, shows how unique that sound was to Whitney
Controversial but I’d say Bey is second because how she has incorporated hip-hop and a fierceness into her delivery that I haven’t heard anyone do (or do as well). That rap singing we hear the girls do now? It’s like a carbon copy of what she’s been doing since the 90s
Rap-singing is pretty much Beyoncé’s baby. Similar to Whitney, when girls do it you hear often how ‘oh it sounds like a Beyoncé song’
Mariah is third for me. She took what Whitney laid down and ran with it. Her style of doing backgrounds can still be heard. The breathy lines that lead up to huge climaxes. Also, though she wasn’t the first to use whistle register in pop music, no one utilised it like her
Toni is last just because I hear a lot of Whitney and Anita in her sound and I don’t think she made as big of her own stamp on it as Bey and Mimi, although she defo has made one. That husk, the grit, the sultriness? Ms. Toni delivers.
This is kind of a huge ramble but I’m better at speaking about it than typing it cos I have a bad overexplaining habit in text but I hope I got what I was trying to say across dhdhd
Do I end this I’m with one of my fave things each has done or am I doing too much? Lol
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