Yesterday CJCS Gen Milley contradicted SECDEF Esper on the all important question of military hair regulations during a pandemic. This led to a social media furor. For those of you new to the military hair debate, welcome. So what's the deal with hair???
Short hair took on a strong cultural salience during the Vietnam War when long haired hippies led anti-war protest movements. As the post-Vietnam force moved to all volunteer, hair became an important visual separation btwn conscripted forces & the new professional military.
This movement towards short hair as a proxy for discipline in the all volunteer force did not come without a debate. Enter "wig wars" where reservists sued for the right to wear wigs & retain long hair they argued was vital to their civilian identity.
Finally, hair regulations have always revealed how the military views the role of women in combat--whether it be regulations about length, the girth of a bun, the appropriate color, or whether to allow ponytails. Check out Emerald Archer's amazing book:
How did I learn so much about military culture & hair? A few years ago I published a piece called blue hair in the gray zone in which I argued our beliefs about what a warrior should look like would keep us from developing the best force of the future.
I have never received so much reaction from an opinion piece. When I put up a display about the future force at the Naval War College w/blue haired sailors & man-bunned soldiers, I was asked by public affairs to remove the dolls. They didn't want to condone loose grooming stds.
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