every public health (or adjacent) person i know right now has the attitude of a french crab smoking a cigarette before it goes in a boiling pot
“comment dit on ‘fuck it’ *long drag off cigarette*”
“les carottes sont cuites and so are we, mon ami hohohoho *longer drag*”
“life, she is a cruel mistress, non? *smokes*”
“ah, ze womb of ze parent ou un département d’urgence during un pandemic; hard to say which iz more dangereuse *taps ashes off cigarette with claw*”
“*reads updated COVID19 stats in NYC* sacre dieu *puts down paper, picks up cigarette and smokes*”
“ze wine is gone and i do not have une masque; c’est la vie *smooooooke*”
“ah ze freedom; she iz beautiful, non? but never iz she yours; and never again will she be avec vous. she iz gone, mon ami. *taps claw on ground; scatters ash*”
“une baguette?? in zees economie?! *drags on cigarette*”
“yes, mandate zee masques; iz a good way for ze peegz and ze carceral state to target Black and Brown people for a nouveau raison *smokes angrily*”
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