My downstairs neighbor is in a pretty famous band: a thread you didn’t want and after reading, still won’t want
He walks his cat in the backyard (it’s a nice big patio area) often enough to annoy me. Pretty sure he thinks the backyard is just his
This morning he was blasting what I suspect to be an unreleased single to the entire neighborhood. None of us like your song man
He’s been bragging on and off for weeks that he had Coronavirus. Had a bad headache for a few days so hey, sounds like a diagnosis to me
He just finished loudly bragging that no, he won’t receive a stimulus check because he “makes more money than all of you.” How much? Glad u asked, apparently about $120k. Line up ladies
And this man lives alone but I overhear every convo bc my windows overlook the backyard and his apartment spans the first floor + basement so I hear him while I’m coming and going/in my room/doing laundry. Essentially always
He once got into a very very loud argument with his ex in the backyard about a burrito and the nap she took after eating it
He leaves his branded guitar picks on top of the washers - WE GET IT UR IN A BAND
I think I did this thread wrong what even is it? I care not
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