I'm thinking the Left needs to start a national #DontVoteForJoe campaign. Not saying "vote Trump", or "stay home", or even "vote third party". But just making it clear who Biden is and that we will no longer comply with this sham of a democracy.

Who's with me?
Keep in mind, this is not about handing Trump a second term. That happened the minute Bernie dropped out.

This is about making the Democrats' inevitable defeat *fucking embarrassing* and destroying their credibility as a viable national party.
The nice part is we can do this immediately. No one agrees on the "where do we go from here" question. That's a longer discussion. But we all agree - right now - on what we sure as fuck ain't gonna do.

So let's get everyone else to not do it with us.
And let's be clear: I'm not talking about trending a hashtag. I mean a National. Fucking. Campaign: canvassing, phonebanking, TV ads if we can swing it.

This is a way the Left can show these chumps *exactly* how much power we wield. And they can't do a goddman thing about it.
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