Harry Styles : a brief birth chart study

(inspired by : @supermoongirl9)
Here is a list of things I've picked upon overtime about his chart, this isn't an in-depth analysis for a reason. I kept this simple, brief and I hope interesting. Enjoy ;)
As it’s done with any birth chart, it is only convenient to start off with the rising sign. Harry has a Libra rising, Aquarius Venus as the chart ruler in the 4th house. From a superficial point of view, his Venusian rising is what gives him his charm and elegant beauty.
But I also want to draw attention to the Ascendant-Neptune square, which gives his appearance a ‘dreamy’ quality: the ambiguity and lack of definition of this planet work like a mirror - people see what they want in him, which doesn’t always correlate with reality. *Ehm*
On a deeper level, the 1st house corresponds to first impressions; our 'mask'. Harry has Scorpio Jupiter here, which is one of the reasons why he has been over-sexualized so much by the public. *Ehm intensifies*
But more than anything, Venus-Mars conj Sun is the reason why he's sexually appealing to everyone, embodying both the feminine and masculine beauty. On top of his Libra placements, it is safe to say that relationships are actually crucial to him, so it does go beyond the looks.
First house Jupiter also means coming off as ‘mighty’, optimistic and wise; Jupiter is the God of the gods, thus its association with expansion, grandiose and exaggeration. Basically, Harry’s public image is quite versatile; dreamy yet distinctive, grand yet equable...
He has 12th house Moon trine 4th house stellium: he is a super private person. Sun conj IC, the lowest point of the chart, our roots and place we withdraw to for safety and calm; home. Family is really important.
Sun here doesn’t want to draw attention to itself and sign wise it already being in Aquarius suggests putting oneself out there isn’t necessarily the most comfortable thing for this person. But again, Leo MC suggests career on stage or at least performing is inevitable.
12th house is things we either fail to acknowledge or don't want to bring onto the level of consciousness or share with others, Moon here suggests a very private and secluded inner world and anonymity, thus him constantly dodging interview questions on 'who the song is about'
And yet the easy aspect between the planets means he does manage to balance his public and private life successfully, but then there is Neptune-ASC square, 12th house Moon, Pisces Saturn, and the problem of maintaining boundaries - the problem of being oversexualized again.
About his 4th house stellium, esp Venus, his songs are domestic. Either about going home, or they literally take place in some part of the house:
4th house placements in a nutshell:
Saturn-Mercury conjunction brings control, discipline to the mind. Saturn slows things down. He speaks slow and his voice is low. But Saturn also has a challenging quality = he blabbers a lot and sometimes struggles to get his point across.
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