Can catholics online stop gaslighting an entire generation of christian women to stop worrying for other women when they’re in suspicious relationships? There is reason women throughout history always have our eyes on each other. We have no choice. We HAVE to check.
It SUCKS to ask a friend, a sister in Christ, “are you sure 👀 about him?” But I know too many women who have been coerced into sex, physical and emotional labor, and lives they do not want by men who have more power than them in Christian and secular relationships to not ask.
The “you’re being ridiculous” crowd at women who are suspicious of ultra trad, aggressive men online is gaslighting us into believing it’s ok to not act on your gut response. If you haven’t taken VIRTUS courses through our church yet, pls note that it is BETTER to ask than to not
I’m sorry if someone has asked you a suspicious question about your bf if it made you uncomfortable. I’m sorry if they were presumptuous and asked before knowing the facts. But it is NOT bad to ask. If nothing is wrong, then great! Let’s all move on. But sometimes it’s not.
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