Live video of an "Operation Gridlock" protest taking place in Michigan right now. They are protesting the state's quarantine efforts.
It's a bit chaotic.
The protest was organized by the Michigan Conservative Coalition.
If the guy airing this would turn his stupid cellphone sideways, we'd have a better look at the size of the crowd,
Better video quality on this live stream:
Michigan, so far, has 27,001 confirmed coronavirus cases, and 1,768 deaths.
This is what the Michigan case curve looks like.
Their daily case curve had started to look promising.
Michigan is in the "surge" phase. It's so bad, that New York is now sending them 100 ventilators.
CA just sent them 50 ventilators.
Pictures here. No social distancing, kids in tow, and almost no masks
Other states are planning similar rallies.
Michigan House Speaker (R) Lee Chatfield praises the protest.
The build up to this event shows a bunch of caravans of protesters traveling from several rural areas of Michigan. When they return home, they could be carrying the virus back to areas ill-equipped to treat those they infect,
They aren't just blocking the state capitol.
Comments posted to the OathKeepers FB Page in response to the protest.
The Texas rally will he hosted by Infowars.
Updated Michigan figures.
Oregon is planning a rally.
Los Angeles too
Washington State.

It's also the 25th anniversary of the bombing of the OK City federal building by anti-gov extremist Timothy McVeigh.
You can follow @jjmacnab.
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