Gonna do a thread today on #OperationGridlock solely focused on screenshots from the FB group they’re organizing in, just to showcase how fucking stupid your average Trump supporter really is.

Here’s a boomer using the muh government overreach meme.
Conservative propaganda is effective, so effective that these idiots STILL think the virus is no big deal.
“The media will try to make us look bad even though we already look bad for acting like petulant kids because we just want to work our shitty 9-5 jobs and grill dammit”
“I’m probably spreading the virus with my kids! I’m so proud of myself and my fellow patriots! 😭😭😭

Holy fuck I hate these people
Peak boomer moment
They’re already starting to inb4 the inevitable rise of cases in Michigan and retconning by saying “it’ll just be made up numbers to justify their agenda”. 🤦🏻‍♂️
These people literally want millions of Americans getting sick and possibly dying because they think it’s just the flu. This is what conservative propaganda does to these people: it turns them into soulless animals.
One of the organizers: “um, like, keep up the good work and like, uhm, we can’t let a deadly virus, uhm, prevent us from working our shitty jobs and furthering the spread of it. Uhm, like”
Baked Alaska moment
“I’m dealing with the virus. Why do Michiganders think this is a good idea?”

“Mind your own business dammit we want to infect everyone”
>collectivism is communism
>preaching individualism while doing this collective (and stupid) protest

So I guess you’re also a communist then by that logic?
Conservatism in a nutshell: “I don’t care if this virus is serious and has long-term implications, I only care about muh liberty and constitution”
>STILL doing the “it’s just a flu” meme
Ah, the inevitable fedpost. Took long enough.
When asked about the potential of a $2K a month stimulus check: “no I just wanna go back to work and grill dammit fuck you and your socialism”

America was never a serious country.
Creating gridlocks and spreading the coof to own the libs
The world is watching in disgust, yeah.
Sorry @TheCptBlackPill it looks like your numbers are just fake news and America will turn into the USSR or China. 🙄
Grug brain civic nationalism
“There might be a surge in cases because of how reckless we’re acting”

“Lmao no there won’t also stop telling people what to do”

Absolute state of these people.
🤣🤣 who else is losing friends for being unhinged and spreading the coof 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
“We care about EVERYONE’S families, that’s why we decided to protest this quarantine having to do with an infectious and lethal virus that spreads easily by gathering in close proximity”
Looks like there’s a possibility for round 2 of this thread, which sucks because I already lost my will to live long ago and this will make me lose it even more.
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