Latest COVID-19 NL numbers:
3 new cases. Two in Eastern, one in Western.
Now 247 cases total
8 people are in the hospital, 3 in the ICU
159 people have recovered
Dr. Janice Fitzgerald is talking about community transmission.
80% of the cases are because of local transmission
2% are from unknown source (5 people), rest to things like travel #covid19nfld
BREAKING: Now everyone who has 2 or more symptoms for COVID-19 can get testing (there's a list of 7), first step is to call 811.
Take a drive for a change of scenery, go for a walk, these are fine to do with people in your own household "in your bubble" says Dr. Fitzgerald #covid19nfld
Premier says Suzanne Brake is going to join the daily briefing tomorrow, she's the seniors advocate.
Dwight Ball says she will speak about seniors and their families #covid19nfld
John Haggie says "hold the line and stay the course."
He thanks the majority of people who are doing this and making a difference.
Received lots of emails that people are taking their trailers to gravel pits (camp grounds shut down) #covid19nfld
"If you are going to gravel pit you're going to run into problems from a variety of sources, not the least of which is your health"
Haggie says there has been a ban on gravel put camping since 2010. He has a camper and won't be using it for months #covid19nfld
Haggie has concern from banks about masks. "A mask in a bank is no longer what it used to be" #covid19nfld
There has been a "dribbling in" of supplies says Haggie.
Says it's a great relief to hear that a facility in New Brunswick will start to produce the reagent for the whole country (it's needed to do testing) #covid19nfld
Ball says it's a "good idea" for essential workers to get a pay bump but is waiting to hear details from the federal government on this #covid19nfld
The "burn rate" for protective equipment is 6-10x normal, it's been pretty steady #covid19nfld
The amount of PPE we're using is matched with the level of deliveries we're receiving, but we're down to about 1 week of supply for some items #covid19nfld
Dwight Ball says as restrictions life the province will be promoting "staycations" getting people to travel locally to support the tourism industry #covid19nfld
How are people getting infected? The break down for today's cases:
1 was through travel, 1 under investigation, 1 was through contact with someone who travelled #covid19nfld
How many false negatives are we seeing here?
"It's difficult to know for sure," says Dr. Fitzgerald.
Some cases where people have tested negative and then tested positive. May be that first test was too early to get enough virus #covid19nfld
Rate of testing per 100,000:
Central: 458
Eastern 1239
LG Health 840
Western 531
The higher level for Eastern are because of the outbreak and contact tracing says Haggie #covid19nfld
"We have a huge problem in this province with litter" says Haggie.
Says if you have a pair of gloves take them home
Dr. Fitzgerald says risk of transmission outside when there is physical distancing is not high, so it's good to go out on a trail #covid19nfld
What about relief for hydro rates?
"We're looking at what other options we have available to us" says talks still happening between province and utilities.
Says they have to be creative (because the province has no money) #covid19nfld
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