This afternoon I took Molly in my modified car,as I lost my right leg 4 years ago, to the harbour at Cramond beach. The police put up bollards to prevent people driving the last 200 metres to the harbour. The people who live on this stretch know me allow me access as I can only .
... walk along the flat promenade without hurting my stump. After our walk I got back in my car, took my disabled badge down, and drove very slowly along this 200 metres. A couple were walking backs to my car so I very lightly pumped the horn to let them know I was there ....
then they could take to the pavement. There were no others around. Next thing the woman bounded over to my window and said I shouldn't be there. I told her I am disabled and have the residents permission to which she told me if I was disabled I should not be out of my home ...
... and that her father is disabled and can't get out. I told her I am allowed out for exercise and essential shopping. At this point her hubby joins in and told me I should have a huge sign on my car so people would know I am disabled. At this I told them both to fuck off .
He then said that wasn't very nice .... I said they were awful people and my disability had nothing to do with them. Some folks take bits and pieces from Facebook etc and then use their distorted info as the law. I was ragin'. Rude cheeky fuckers !
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