Seeing Anderson Cooper refer to Dr. Corbett as Ms. -- while she's LEADING OUR VACCINE EFFORT and SITTING IN FRONT OF DIPLOMA*S* -- should really make white academics rethink their belief that these discussions about calling people "Dr." don't have a gendered and racial component.
Mr. @andersoncooper had a Black woman scientist on his show, sitting there talking to him, and he still couldn't completely believe in her existence.

That's being #BlackandSTEM.
In his defense . . . a lot of Black studies scholars have a difficult time imagining we exist in 2020 and not just some imaginary future
Y'all. Please don't tag Dr. Corbett in this thread. She experienced the disrespect. She doesn't need to be party to every conversation about it. She doesn't need to relive it every time you feel like weighing in. I tagged her in the post celebrating her. Tag her to celebrate her.
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