I really try to not get political on here, but I've seen people complaining about how people can draw Miku representing a different race or religion, but others can't draw porn of her "aged up".

Like, are we being for real rn?
"You're erasing her Japanese/Asian heritage"
Bruh, I get that anime characters are Japanese, but how many Japanese people do you know that have natural green hair and turquoise eyes?
Darkening her skin and giving her religious gowns hurts NOTHING.
Sexualizing a 16 year girl (even if it's "JuSt a DrAWiNg") leads to normalizing pedophilia.

Okay, fine, you wanna "age her up"?
At LEAST give her obvious signs of aging! Different hair style, tweaked proportions, etc.
Not just big boobies. Wtf is wrong with you??
This is all my opinion though.
You're welcome to disagree with me. I personally just don't wanna hear it.

Don't reply to me. Don't QRT me. Don't DM me.

I'm stating my opinion on my public profile. I'm not asking for yours.
I will be muting this thread though. Even if it doesn't blow up, I just don't wanna see any notifications for it.

If you try to defend pedophilia either publicly on here or in my DMs and I see it, I will block you without giving you the time of day.
You can follow @SoIntoTheBeat.
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