Thread: Straight talk about Sanders’ Medicare for All plan.
We can get UHC. We can even move to a SP system. But neither will happen unless M4A proponents stop spreading disinformation, much of it coming from Sanders himself. You want M4A? Be honest about what it is … and isn’t.
Sanders’ M4A plan is not the only UHC plan.
It’s not the only SP plan.
It’s not even the only M4A plan.
It’s not the fastest or least expensive path to a national SP system.
It’s not synonymous with UHC and in fact would *prevent* 100% UHC in the US.
(Currently non-citizens get coverage through their employer or the private market. Sanders’ plan already guarantees *at least* 1% of the population can’t obtain HC coverage. Under a GOP admin, that would rise to 5% or even 10%.)
BS’ M4A dream is simple and unlike anything the world has ever seen: every person walks around with a card that gives them access to every conceivable medical service they need with no premiums, no deductibles, and no co-pays other than Rx co-pays capped at $200 a year. Nirvana!
Then Warren upped the ante on Nirvana, promising that 99.99% of the population, >330M people, will not only get HC with no premiums, no deductibles, and no co-pays but also without paying a dime in taxes. People living in SP countries almost went blind rolling their eyes so hard.
No other country on earth has the plan Sanders is proposing. No country has such generous coverage at such little cost to most individuals. That’s not bc other countries wouldn’t love a plan like his. It’s bc it’s not attainable. It’s a pipedream. #SnakeOil
Note the country with the lowest % of out-of-pocket expenses, France, is *not* a SP country and the country tied for the highest % of out-of-pocket expenses, Switzerland, soundly rejected SP in 2014 by a vote of 62% - 38%, the inverse of its early polling. 🤔
EVERY country on the list Sanders repeatedly tweets has a HC system that’s the very “middle ground” he says is unacceptable. Only a handful have a SP system and NONE completely ban priv ins like BS is proposing. Many *depend on* private ins for at least part of their UHC systems.
Sanders: We need UHC like these 27 countries have!
Also Sanders: None of these countries have a HC system exactly like my M4A plan. So they all suck. No middle ground!
Contrary to the disinfo Sanders spreads, no Dem has ever called UHC “radical” or “a crazy idea.” Now, his 2016 plan that he said would be partially paid for with more in RX savings than the entire US spends on RX, that *was* lunacy. But UHC? That’s standard Dem platform.
None of this is true. The majority of UHC countries do NOT have a national SP program. It’s NOT only supplemental ins. About 10% of people in the UK buy comprehensive private ins. Here’s why people in Finland do:
EVERY country on Sanders’ list grew their current UHC system slowly, over decades. Building incrementally is how they achieved universal acceptance across the political spectrum. (Taiwan implemented a nat’l SP system in one step but Sanders never includes Taiwan on his list 🤷🏼‍♀️)
There is no model, no country has accomplished it, and no one knows how much it will cost. Yet BS is out there convincing gullible people the ONLY acceptable HC system is this grand experiment that has no off ramp (yikes!) and directly impacts >330M people and 1/6 of our economy.
But suspend all logic and pretend BS' M4A plan passes. Then what. Private ins cos will sue under the 5th Amendment’s taking clause and fed courts will have no choice, due to M4A’s structure, but to put a hold on implementation until lawsuits wind their way through the courts.
His argument you’re not entirely banning private ins bc, while you’re taking over 100% of their current business, you’re allowing them to sell a new insurance product (coverage for plastic surgery and experimental treatment) will be laughed out of court. So what will courts rule?
Worst case scenario for M4A zealots: DT-appointed judges declare M4A unconstitutional.
Worst case for the rest of us: they also rule the bill’s provisions repealing the ACA stand.
Best case: courts allow M4A and award private ins cos 100s of billions in “just compensation.” 💸
If your goal is to end insurance companies’ profits, your choice is (a) regulate them to decrease profit and limit their market share by offering a public option OR (b) delay the implementation of M4A and pay them 100s of billions in the hope it will expedite their demise. 🤪
The transition period WILL be rocky *at best.* Knowing they’re going out of business, private ins companies have NO incentive to perform well or to remain in markets that aren’t profitable. Sanders thinks they’re evil but wrote a bill dependent on them being good actors. 🤦🏼‍♀️
Contrary to what BS wants you to believe, every Dem supports SP programs. Every UHC proposal includes expanding Medicaid +/or Medicare. And most Dems believe we’re moving toward a national SP system. But they want it done in a smart way, not the Sanders way.
If you ban private ins companies from selling comprehensive coverage before the GOP fully buys into a SP system, you’re putting millions of people at risk of losing coverage they need. Who and what gets covered is left to the HHS Secretary. That’s scary af.
Even if they don’t repeal the bill, a GOP admin can eliminate coverage for non-citizens, for trans services, for abortion and birth control, for MH tx. They can expand “cost containment measures” to include co-pays and deductibles. They can cut funding and hamper accessibility.
Don’t take my word for it. Look at what happens in other countries. Even though, unlike the US, none of those countries have a major political party that opposes UHC, many have had cuts to their HC systems when conservatives are in power.
You think pro-Brexit forces centered their campaign on promising people it would mean more funding for NHS bc NHS was adequately meeting people’s needs?
Look at what the GOP has done and tried to do with the ACA, with Medicaid. You think they’d leave M4A alone? You’re an idiot.
And no, I’m not a “corporate shill” or “want people to die” bc I want a private ins safety net to exist for vulnerable populations. Or bc I live in the real world. Weirdly, the same people throwing out those accusations are A-OK letting people suffer unless/until we get M4A. 🤪
This is where "no middle ground" harms people. Every person who truly cares about HC, about expanding coverage and lowering costs, knows the first step is strengthening the ACA, if only to help people while other plans are implemented +/or M4A makes its way through the courts.
Sanders’ “no middle ground” rhetoric builds opposition to any and all other proposals to help people. Claiming a major obstacle to M4A is Dems are beholden to corporations +/or “lack courage” is not only damaging to electing Dems up and down the ballot ...
… costing us majorities, progressive legislation, and SCOTUS. It’s also false.
A whole lot of Dems have taken positions & votes they knew could cost them their seats (e.g., see 2010). That’s courage. And something Sanders has never done himself (see votes on guns, immigration).
They also blame private ins companies’ and Pharma lobbyists but don’t tell you it’s *also* true they’ll lobby against *every* current Dem proposal for UHC +/or lowering Rx costs. And they never talk about THE biggest impediments to M4A or any other UHC proposal.
Impediment #1 Racism. “Ain’t no way I would ever support Obamacare. I would rather die” says Trevor (dying from liver damage). “We don’t need any more gov't in our lives. And in any case, no way I want my tax dollars paying for Mexicans or welfare queens.”
Impediments #2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9: also racism. I don’t know how so many M4A proponents missed it but 63M people voted for the “build a wall” guy in 2016. Racism has always been THE major obstacle to universal social programs in the US and it’s still here. Duh.
Impediment #10. The GOP. Private ins companies and pharma weren’t behind red states refusing to expand Medicaid. Or the Hobby Lobby lawsuit. To get UHC, we MUST defeat the GOP and we don’t do that by dissing the Dem Party or by lying about Democrats' commitment to UHC.
And we don’t defeat the GOP by forcing Dems to run on M4A.
In 2018, 100 new candidates followed Sanders and ran for the House on M4A. Only 6 won, all in deep blue districts with 4 replacing an original author and 3 co-sponsors of M4A, maintaining the status quo in the House.
OTOH, 53 new candidates rejected Sanders’ agenda and won House seats running on protecting the ACA. 40 of them flipped red seats, giving Dems the majority, moving *the entire House* left. BS is right when he says it will take *years* to convince voters to accept his M4A plan.
Sanders’ and his staff’s claims aren’t true. There will be winners and losers. Sanders refuses to say but his senior staffer says the average family will pay over $11K in taxes for M4A. That’s more than tens of millions of people currently pay for HC.
This is a lie. There’s no such provision in Sanders’ bill. The average family’s “savings” he touts are largely dependent on corporations voluntarily passing *their* savings on to workers, just like the GOP’s tax scam was. Sure. That’ll happen. 🙄
M4A will NOT cover *everything.* There will be limits. Some things'll require pre-authorization. Will it cover IVF? Braces? No one knows. It’s all TBD and subject to change every year. Plan on paying out-of-pocket for anything other than basic & anything the gov’t deems elective.
There will be savings from decreased ins co profits and reduced admin, as there will be in *every* UHC plan, but not as much as many M4A proponents think. A big part of the projected savings comes from reduced payments to providers. The consequences? TBD.
Sanders’ M4A requires 100% of HC expenses to be paid with tax revenue, including the HC expenses of the 1%, while every other UHC proposal requires people to pay what they can afford. It’s possible to have a means-tested SP system but he opposes it.
We urgently need increased tax revenue to address a pandemic/economic crises, a climate crisis, a housing crisis, an infrastructure crisis, education, childcare, and increasing inequality but sure, let’s have a revolution opposing any means-tested HC system. Sure. Why not.
Sanders’ revolutionaries didn’t show up to protest GOP attempts to repeal the ACA and they haven’t shown up in red states to expand Medicaid but they’ll show up to DEMAND higher taxes on lower/middle income families and to DEMAND tax revenues pay for Bill Gates’ HC. 🙄
The most egregious result of Sanders selling snake oil he knows won’t work is the shutting down of important conversations we NEED to have about UHC. Sadly, Warren, who’s usually open to honest debate, marched lockstep with his M4A disinfo script though most of 2019.
Missing from every debate: outcomes. Various ways to measure but note SP countries don’t rank at the top. In the WHO study, the US ranked #37 and we urgently need improvement but *every* UHC plan would improve it and outcomes need to be part of the debate.
Believing BS’ plan is problematic and won’t work in the US rn, I’ve been a proponent of Medicare for America BUT I found Harris’ M4A plan intriguing. By listening to everyday people and experts, Harris developed a SP plan that fixes the inherent flaws in BS’ plan, such as …
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