The Dark Phoenix Saga is a possession narrative with a botched exorcism.

How to do it right:

It can't be one movie. It is at least three.

1. Introduce Jean Grey and the original X-men. Magneto is the big bad. 1960s.

2. Introduce the new X-men, Jean gets benign phoenix powers.

3. Dark Phoenix: Jean goes bad. Shi'ar empire gets involved, big CGI fight, phoenix flare, Jean tragically kills herself.

It can work if they focus on the characters well enough, so that it matters.

And get a writer who knows how to write Cyclops, for Trask's sake.
Focusing on Wolverine was a serious error of the Fox films. There are so many characters to explore. That's why we read the X-men. Not because of Logan. 'Cos of Kitty and Slim and Hank and Jubilee.

What we've had is Wolverine and the X-men.

What we want is the Uncanny X-men.
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