🧐🧐Comparative Analysis: Nietzsche’s “Anti-Christ” vs Tao Flow🧐🧐

Who was Nietzsche? Many “millennial” guys seem to “identify” with him just because they have “dark thoughts.” Friedrich W. Nietzsche was a prolific philosopher, cultural critic, and author.
Nietzsche was known for his LUMINARY BRILLIANCE despite living in perhaps the most brilliant/rigorous scholastic era the world has ever known - German scholarship in the mid-late 19th century. In Anti-Christ he discusses SCHADENFREUDE and DELUSION.
“The majority of men prefer DELUSION to TRUTH. It soothes. It is EASY to GRASP.” Friedrich understood psychology deeply, before psychology was even a thing - on macro and micro levels. He noticed anthropological trends ahead of his time, such as the deadly spread of socialism
“There are days when I am HAUNTED by a feeling that is blacker than the BLACKEST MELANCHOLY. I have a contempt for humanity. I despise the people I have been fated to call my contemporaries. I feel suffocated by their filthy breath.” High IQ, high Savagery technique modes.
He was born to a psychologically suffocating mother SYCOPHANTIC to the OTHERWORLDY. “One must not let oneself be misled: they say 'JUDGE NOT!' but they send to Hell everything that stands in their way.” He recoiled at the philosophical inconsistencies of the masses.
“Christianity remains...the greatest misfortune of humanity.” ... “When the centre of gravity of life is placed, NOT IN LIFE ITSELF, but in “the beyond”—in nothingness—then one has taken away its centre of gravity altogether.” We see focus on the hypocrisy of “moral loftiness”
Yet, if Nietzsche had delved deeper into ZEN, he may have saved himself from insanity. Unfortunately, during his time, Buddhism was only just making its first foray into the western world. Contrary to the “ungrounded” perception of spirituality, Zen Buddhism is ANYTHING but.
Soon after completing “The Anti-Christ”, the intellectual giant collapsed, never recovering. His final clarion call was thus: that everything in the universe was a “will to power”, and that “GOD IS DEAD.” He collapsed shortly The Anti-Christ was completed, DYING two years later..
The concept that EVERYTHING is a will to GAIN in power is absolutely true - to a point. When you’re 85, you’ll just want to chill on a bench and listen to birds with the wife. The Will to Power eventually exhausts man - it has its place within the THROES of VAINGLORIOUS YOUTH.
Yet even in Youth, one can be a Kind savage. Understanding that the Will to Power is all around you, yet remaining unmoved by its ferocious winds - THIS is the “true” Will to Power. Alan Watts: “Power not attainEd through egoic striving is power WITH WHICH ONE CAN BE TRUSTED”
The ancient wisdom of Zen Buddhism stands in stark contrast to the “lofty” and “ungrounded” spirituality which Nietzsche so hated, as he saw in it a “BUGMAN” perversion of the Will to Power (SHOUTOUT to BAP). In Zen, there is an absolute grounded ness in present time.
This fact is grounded in the legend of DAZU HIKUE. “Legend has it that the Great Bodhidharma initially refused to teach Huike. Huike stood in the snow outside Bodhidharma's cave all night, until the snow reached his waist. In the morning Bodhidharma asked him why he was there.”
Huike replied wanted a teacher to "open the gate of the elixir of universal compassion to liberate all beings." Bodhidharma refused, saying, "how can you hope for true religion with little virtue, wisdom, a shallow heart, and an arrogant mind? It would just be a waste of effort."
Finally, to prove his resolve, Huike cut off his left arm and presented it to the First Patriarch as a token of his sincerity. Bodhidharma then accepted him as a student, and changed his name from Shenguang to Huike, which means "Wisdom and Capacity."
Does cutting your arm off sound “woo-woo”, or like head in the clouds type behavior? When one is GROUNDED in the PRESENT MOMENT of reality to this extent, it is easy for him to receive “Satori”, or sudden awakening. Only thus can modern man marry spirituality to correct action.
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