Man humans are the most shameless pathetic species in the history of earth biology.

We just came up with philosophy and science and all sorts of garbage just to make it seem like existence was cool.

But it's hard not to be misanthropic when you finally learn to the bone, that greetings are met with farewells in equal capacity.

Should have been a professional therapist in all seriousness-

-but then I would have had to find another more qualified therapist and that would suck psycho balls.
And you know what- I don't miss football and certainly don't miss the sergi semedo dead end debates

Felt cathartic saying that.
And then we compound this human misery by succumbing to our primal need to procreate, hoping to grasp at straws for salvation.

Really weird behavior. Eukaryotic cell division makes more sense.
And holy shit some of these philosophers were some awfully privileged entitled bastards with too much free time.

You know why there is not a single book worth reading from a blue collar background (besides Orwell who basically had to disown his past)?

Because no time.
"All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

Schopenhauer however, was not advocating for a flat earth. Idiots think quotes are evidence of conspiracies.
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