Every decision you make can have a huge impact. I think about this a lot. Seven years ago this morning I was standing near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, on the north side of Boyleston Street just outside of Marathon Sports. The countdown clock in the window…
…was under two hours. I stood there for a while, thinking that if I wanted this view when the runners started to finish, I would need to claim the spot for the day. It was a great spot and I was ready to spend 8 hours there; imagining…
…that I would have almost the same view as those VIP seats across the road for one of the most iconic sporting events in the world. The air was crisp, the early morning sun was out, there was so much positivity and anticipation in the air…
…Then I thought about a fried egg sandwich. I had seen a food truck setting up near Boston Common earlier when I had walked with Amy to the shuttle buses, and I just knew they would have a great breakfast sandwich. It was early…
...and I could get there and back before the crowd got too thick. I took a good look around, and then I headed off in search of something tasty. I walked for a bit, and found that delicious sandwich and chatted with the food truck guy, and then I headed down…
…Commonwealth Ave checking out the public art, and walked a bit farther than I intended, and as the crowds grew more dense I finally ended up watching the race from a spot overlooking Comm Ave between Hereford and Massachusetts, a few blocks from the finish line…
…I’m not sure why I didn’t go back to that spot near the finish, but every time I see a picture of where the first bomb went off I see the spot where I stood that morning, and I think about that fried egg sandwich.
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