(Read Thread) From a good friend of mine , The World Health Organization, or WHO for short, has not told the world the truth about COVID-19 from the very beginning. They were and still are an arm of the Chinese Communist government. They did not tell the rest of the world...
...what was really happening in China and COVID-19. Their purposeful deception and protection of the Chinese government caused a world pandemic that has touched every corner of the globe. It has killed thousands in the United States and destroyed not only our economy....
....and way of life, possibly for decades or lifetimes to come. In my opinion, they are just as much to blame as China in withholding information and infecting the world. This has been reported in both liberal and conservative media outlets.
What do the three main television...
....networks in our country do? They organize a joint telethon for this Saturday night to raise money for...the WHO!
People, please do not send your precious charity dollars to this event or organization! There are so many charities, right in your own communities....
....that desperately need them to help people here during this crisis. Not a worldwide organization that gets millions, if not billions, of dollars annually from gullible governments that think this group is there to help the world. Again, in my opinion, they have blood...
.....on their hands as much as China! Please don’t donate to murderers! Sorry, but this just set me over the edge! I can’t believe our main media in this country would take your rare charity dollars and raise them for this organization!This BS thing gets more stupid every day!
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