For those following #Trump vs @WHO and funding fight I am going to post some graphics, breaking down US support over time and WHO. Here, @CGD looked at the impact of Trump's threatened global health cuts in 2019.
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This examines US citizens' support for global health funding, 2019.
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Here are enacted FY2020 US global health budgets including support for WHO.
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In this 2018 paper in Lancet, @IHME looked at global health funding by source.
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ALL global health instits are heavily dependent on US govt $ + the Gates Foundation. This goes well beyond @WHO - there is a high level of dependency on the USA, and I have long warned --going back to the late '90s, that this could collapse w/a opposing #POTUS. MORE
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Here is where @WHO funding came from for the agency's 2016-17, 2-year budget -- reflecting pre- #Trump US support with Republican-led Congressional voting.
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Overall, donor support for ALL global health multilaterals, including @WHO has been declining since 2014. This was especially acute after the 2010 Euro-crisis financial crash, and Euro-donors, especially southern Europeans, never really resumed pre-2014 scale. MORE
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This is @WHO 's own budget needs, from the agency's publications. This was published in 2019, pre- #COVID19 .
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It has always been crucial to understand that the assessed dues nations pay as members of @WHO are trivial in the agency's budget -- voluntary donations are crucial, & >60% comes from 2 sources -- US govt + @gatesfoundation
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Charles Clift @ChathamHouse prepared this breakdown of where those voluntary donations to @WHO came from in 2016 & 2017 -- again, reflecting pre- #Trump US support levels. MORE
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In this chart @ChathamHouse Charles Clift shows that @WHO has become increasingly dependent on voluntary donations because the member nations have refused to increase their basic assessment rates. This has increased dependency on USA + @gatesfoundation . MORE
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Here is where @WHO outbreak and emergency response budgets stood before #COVID19 broke out. Note that the agency was begging for funds to fight #Ebola in #DRCongo -- funds never fully realized. MORE
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Finally, going back 30 years @WHO share of the global health funding pie has steadily declined, even though it's broad mission has grown. It has steadily tried to cover more, with less $. MORE
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Overall, there's been a steady 30-yr trend of stagnating assessed funding for @WHO w/widening mission. This has spawned >er reliance on voluntary support, chiefly from US govt + @gatesfoundation . With that dependency has come vulnerability -- to @WhiteHouse whims.
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