Can we hate Bezos and all wealth-hoarders while recognizing that a lot of disabled ppl rely on Amazon & the majority of authors would be sunk without Amazon & might not have another form of income?

Can you please fight against wealth hoarding without hurting marginalized ppl?
If you can live without Amazon more power to you. I’m so tired of ppl who disparage folks for using Amazon & refuse to buy fro authors who don’t have the clout to be available through other distributors (those other distributors also being billion-dollar operations, so...)
Like, unless you’re the one person who became famous by printing your books at home and selling them out of the basket of your ten-speed, like, being snooty about people relying on capitalism to sell their wares is extremely bullshit.
We all hate capitalism, Lindsay. But only the very privileged, who have flourished in this system, can now afford to pretend to live outside it.

The rest of us have to try to get by with the tools available. It doesn’t make us fucking sell-outs or capitalist apologists
Being snooty about buying from an Indy bookstore who supposedly gets none of their books from, that means that bookstore only stocks authors who have a lot of dollars behind them.

Bookstores who stock my books get them through Amazon. Thank you for your support.
And Amazon is the only way to get groceries delivered in my area.

90% of America exists. And a lot of us are disabled or live with a high risk person.
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