One thing I've observed on Twitter is that an alarmingly large number of tweeps, even among the "intellectuals", do not know the right determiners to use at the right times.

There's a time to use

Some men

Most men

All men

A lot of men

Many men.

Some men =/= Most men
Many men or a lot of men =/= Most men

For example

A lot of the times (you see what I did?) I see someone tweeting using these determinants I either see them say

"All men eat ass", which has generally been accepted as too much of a generalization, or more frequently,
"Most men eat ass"

The "eat ass" is just my quirky example"

To say most men eat ass is equally as bad, as it basically infers that majority of men eat ass, which may not necessarily be true.

Now some (I did it again) resort to saying that
"Some men eat ass", and while that is
less of a generalization and hence less problematic, especially if the thing you are saying has negative connotations, it can be argued that it doesn't sufficiently illustrate the point if you want to say that a substantial amount of men do so.

Which brings us to

"Many men eat
ass", or "A lot of men eat ass"

Now this is what many actually mean to say. The use of "many" or "a lot of" as a determiner legislates for the fact that a substantial number of men partake in this activity, but stops short of inferring that majority of men, or all men, do so.
If anyone's deduction from this thread is that I'm giving an opinion about the percentage of men who actually eat ass, it doesn't say much for your IQ.

Insult? You decide. Goodnight!
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