(1) So I decided to actual do research & statistics bc everyone has decide America is the worst when it comes to cornavirus & that it’s all our governments fault??
Yes. We are leading with cases currently (616,458) However, leading behind us are Spain & Italy.
(2) Spain(177,633) & Italy (162,488) based on the statics of population however, America is at .18% of the population infected
Spain is at .38%
Italy is at .26%

So yes the numbers are scary big but we also have a MUCH bigger population. People forget how much bigger the US is
(3) now if we want to get into it further, the us is at (26,213) deaths. Spain (18,579) & Italy (21,067)
Let’s base death rates off of those infected.
America is at 4.25% deaths of those infected
Spain is at more than double with 10.46% and Italy is at 12.97%!!!
(4) so yes our numbers are higher. The media wants us to believe we are the worst country. When in fact based on the top 3 highest case countries we have a much lower death rate amongst those infected! Our numbers are higher bc we have almost 7x the amount of people than Spain
(5) these are all my numbers I calculated from research , so if I’m wrong correct me. The point of this thread is to show you that numbers are scary but statistically speaking our percentages are much lower!
(6) also the US government has already announced if someone has COVID-19 & it comprises their preexisting condition & it causes death, they are listing it as a COVID-19 death. Which other countries aren’t doing. Please understand the media wants us to be scared with big #s
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