It's very telling that people are so surprised by economic stats like "3 out of 4 individuals make less than $75k/year."

This country is set up to discourage class consciousness/solidarity, and one of the key ways it works is misinformation about how much money we all make.
If you think everyone in the country is making more than they actually are, you're less likely to band together and demand a more fair economy.

But the truth is everyone in the country is making *less* than you think, and we *need* to band together to make the economy more fair.
The lack of knowledge around how much money people make can really hurt your self-esteem too.

If you believe 50% of people make over $100k (it's really 10%) then you're gonna blame yourself for making less instead of blaming the system set up to keep wages down across the board.
That's why corporate culture is SO strict about not sharing your salary w coworkers & why corporate media NEVER talks hard numbers when it comes to income distribution

The more info people have, the more they'll blame the system for economic problems instead of themselves.
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