My best man is practical.

A friend was about to put all his money into buying a house for cash and he asked him - ”If you lose your source of income suddenly, will you start eating the bricks of your residence?”

Liquidity is vital even as you invest. Smart investors have cash.
Buffet, Chamath... They sit on a cash pile. Cash gives you the ultimate optionality.
Bitcoin is even better than cash. It provides the same liquidity and uncorrelated optionality. Chamath converted a shitload of cash to bitcoin as an uncorrelated risk minus hedge.

This period has shown that ALL equities are risk plus investments. Many will go to zero.
I decided to buy as much Bitcoin as I can this morning.
Bitcoin is not correlated with capital market fluctuations. There is much more volatility these days in equities than bitcoin. It is a great hedge that provides near-instant liquidity similar to cash.
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