My husband is getting anxious being cut off from society. I get it! In America, SAHMotherhood cut me off from society because "society" is anything deemed economically fruitful. What I do is not so deemed. It ~is isolating. I'm just used to it after 11 yrs.
Him: I don't know how much more of this I can stand.

Me: Oh you sweet summer child. Come. Join me in reading in bathrooms, eating chocolate behind cupboard doors and stammering when people say, "I don't know what I would DO with all the free time stay-at-home parents have."
Person: But don't you miss work?

Me: I consider what I do to be work.

Person: But like paid work.

Me: Well, you've got me there.
Also, it is rightfully hilarious to me that my hustle outside of raising my children is writing which is also.....


I've got a personal brand and I'm sticking to it, obv.
I am able to exclusively raise children and write because what my husband does IS valued. What if instead of me being grateful for this set-up, America could realize what I do is economically valuable and compensate me so I can do it whether or not my partner makes money.
hashtag care for the caretakers amen
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