I get some of the vitriol directed at Sammy Sosa, but there are people out here wanting to erase his memory like he was no big deal. Even had one person say the 2003 NLDS was not meaningful, which is the biggest load of crap I’ve ever heard.
The World Series obviously clouded over a lot of previous success, but that '03 season was incredible. And since MLB didn't have league postseason series until 1969, beating the Braves in the '03 NLDS was the Cubs' first postseason series win since 1908 (as Cardinals fans know).
I suppose the way the NLCS ended may have clouded things as well, but still. Seeing the Cubs actually win a playoff series was HUGE at the time. Also, there was someone in ATL with a sign that said "North Judson loves the Cubs." That's my hometown in IN, like 1,500 people.
I was told by someone that Sosa never played in a meaningful game with the Cubs. Only titles matter, he said, and anything other is meaningless. I can't disagree with that more strongly and I frankly find that to be a really sad viewpoint.
Yes, winning it all is the ultimate goal, but if you have no joy in anything else and wish to forget about anything short of the ultimate success, that's got to be a pretty sad existence.
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