let me just say that everyone who's responded to this with jokes about rise of skywalker or comments on star wars's problems with representation cannot even begin to comprehend what it means when something really, truly does not give a shit and wants the audience to catch up https://twitter.com/WarrenIsDead/status/1250136875484004354
Star Wars, at its core, is desperate to be loved--that's arguably where many problems arise. Dune throws you face-first into a world where everyone's a Byzantine space Muslim psychic ecologist who also reads the Bible (but like, an updated version?) and is addicted to drugs
do you wanna have an adventure? sure, says Dune. the adventure is learning about speculative biome formation
you want powerful female characters? sure, says Dune. there's a whole faction of them. they're also nightmare sex witches whose sole purpose in life is to be mothers oops sorry (not sorry this will keep happening forever)
you want gay people in your space opera? no problem, says Dune! a primary character will be gay, in fact, he'll be the villain! and he's an effeminate, homicidal pedophile, as well as grotesquely fat (because he's evil and rich). is this ironic? absolutely not! here we go fuckers
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