The same thing that has bothered me forever about climate change is now bothering me about COVID-19.....friends, I'm afraid we frame problems in seriously weird (and unhelpful ways) (or allow them to be framed so). Let me explain...
On climate first. The question is almost always looked at as how can we 'cut emissions'. Think about it. UNFCCC pledges for instance, X% reduction by Y year. Emissions are the star of this show, and it's all about what we might tolerate in their changing.
It didn't have to be framed this way. It could have been - how can we leave these dangerous toxins (that is carbon rich compounds) in the ground where they are safe and take care of one another. Taking care of one another (aka well-being) could have had the starring role.
Imagine a UN process where countries checked in with each other on their plans to feed, house, educate, and provide health care to their citizens in the as toxic hydrocarbons were gradually banned.
That leads to a whole set of different questions, ones rich with entrepreneurial and creative challenge. Imagine if for the last 26 years we'd been innovating to meet well-being needs while on some agreed upon schedule of sheltering carbon below ground.
Masters of storytelling know - it's all about what you put in the story and what you leave out. And marketers and manipulators know that as well. It's not an accident that we leave human beings and well-being out of the story.
But we've become so used to the framing we hardly see it.
It's more in our face with the economic ripples of the pandemic. In the current story, which is about economics we have food being plowed under and people being hungry and some side by side memes where people say - wait isn't this one story?
Instead we have two stories. People without money and farmers without markets.
Or people who need to get around and bus drivers who would like to survive the pandemic. A story of well-being has that being a simple problem to solve - the people, self-governing, work together to protect the bus drivers.
The people, self-governing, work together to distribute food and see that farmers have what they need.
All these unsolvable problems are not so complicated in a different story. And they, I believe, will never be solved in the story too many of us still accept.
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