i met this guy. he was extremely, extremely, EXTREMELY sexy.

6’5, straight teeth, smooth skin, body like kellar lutz, light skin.

he told me he’d had a crush on me for years and i was his ts fantasy brought to life.
*kellan lutz

we finally met and smashed. but it happened so fast. we had no real time to talk & shit. we exchange numbers to meet another time.

he’s worshipping the ground i walk on at this point.

fast forward two months.
we meet again, for way longer this time. but it all quickly leads to a hookup.

i KILLED his shit. absolute MURDAH.

we fall asleep.

i do it again the morning.
after he’s all quiet and really reserved. but he kinda already has that demeanor so i’m not over thinking it.

we leave his place and he’s taking me home and we’re listening to regular rap in his car and i’m chilling.

then he randomly stops it....and puts on Drunk In Love...
i don’t listen to yoncé frequently so when i do hear her it’s like a whole experience for me.

so i start singing along and bopping a bit. he asks if i like beyoncé, i say i love her.

he asks if someone got me a ticket to see beyoncé live if it would be a big deal, i say yes.
he changes the song to get me bodied.
i started singing a bit more and dancing some more. and he’s laughing so i’m thinking i’m warming him up to me.

he plans like two more bey songs before switching to something else and we make it to my place.
why he NEVER spoke to me again after?! no texts, no calls, NOTHINGGGG.

When i say GHOSTED.
that has never ever ever happened to me before. EVAH.

i feel like he played beyoncé to try and fag me out and i failed the test.
now i don’t care about failing some power bottom, DL chaser’s test....but i do care about not being ahead of the curve.

that’s one of the handful of times in life that i’ve been bamboozled.
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