Geat informative video with
additional information
Dig into what is
Things I've been trying to tell people for years.
Statue of Shiva placed before CERN years ago.
Satan has many names.
CERN sits on the apollyon Temple.
Bottomless pit.
In February 2016 I shared this video trailer.
Tell me if you don't think this is creepy.
It depicts the bottomless pit releasing the demons.
Concerts also; Tomorrowland and Raising the Legions, concert promoters tools handing children over to the devil.
You want to really get creeped out this was going on, It's still going on.

Indoctrinating the children to the devil via concerts.
I've been sharing this crap online since 2009 and not everybody even knows about it yet.
It's pretty sick to even think It's just getting exposed now.
These concerts need to be stopped You wonder what's wrong with the children?

Stop them! 
Gee I wonder what this is all about...
Devine light ruler?
Satan, That's right it's right before your eyes take a look folks.
The One World Order headquarters originally headquartered in China, moved over to Kazakhstan, ASTANA
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