the NY AG has already shown they hold evidence of malfeasance with Crypto Capital and Bitfinex's execs in concert, not at odds. that's the "Oz and Merlin" chat.
So i think Bitfinex is filing these motions to keep their story about the $LEO raise from completely falling apart; that is, after the AG's ex parte order came out w/ the Oz and Merlin chat, and everybody knows abt the $800m hole, BFX said LEO was to fill the hole til recovery.
but in reality, the Oz and Merlin chat show that BFX's exec (Merlin, Giancarlo) was trying to get CC exec (Yosef, Oz) to help hide their mutual loss from authorities seizing their pile of dough...
...hide it from BFX's creditors. and the rest of evidence in AG's order show that they made a dummy loan btw Tether and Bitfinex in order to pay out creditors with money they printed out of thin air...
it's right there
>Bitfinex is missing money; learns the feds are looking into them
>Bitfinex execs coordinate a loan with their stablecoin company Tether, to Bitfinex
>Subpoenas served, lol
or put more simply, that terrible month for Bitcoin in November 2018... coincides with a very terrible month for Bitfinex. and they want everybody to believe they are innocent.
how creepy is it that the same law firm that "affirmatively contacted" the feds for Bitfinex is now also representing them in the AG order proceedings...
New York is allowing a lawless entity to stymy the lawful investigation of their own AG, way to fucking go!
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