Trying to find the chapter and verse where it says thou shalt fight tooth and nail for religious freedom, but it’s weird I keep finding these passages about caring for the sick, laying down your life, and s*** like that. I’m sure it’s here somewhere...
I value religious freedom as much as the next person. I don’t want to live in a society where I’m persecuted for following Jesus. But there’s a big difference between getting persecuted for FOLLOWING JESUS and being told to follow laws that EVERYONE is following to save lives
It’s a slap in the face to Xns that really *are* experiencing persecution in places where you really *can* die for following Jesus. Calling a state-ordered, locally-enforced shutdown that applies to *everyone* “persecution” is so disrespectful to these Xns there’s no words
Do I think it’s important to protect religious liberty? Yes, of course do. But I also think if the US ever does experience religious persecution, calling it out will be 10 times harder on account of these ridiculous assertions of persecution right now. Boy who cried wolf.
More than that, even if we *do* experience persecution in our country, the Bible literally tells people in those circumstances to submit to Caesar in all matters that don’t compel us to sin.
It would literally be nonsensical to early Xns to tell them they should gather in defiance of Rome because evil Rome is trying to... save... lives? They gathered in defiance of Rome because Rome was literally attempting to snuff out their faith. There’s no comparison here.
More than that, xns (believe it or not) have far more important priorities than fighting for religious freedom. Do I think religious freedom is important? Of course. But laying down your life for the poor and caring for the sick are far greater Christian priorities
It’s a travesty that Xns would be more well-known for fighting for themselves and their own personal liberty than for serving others. That’s not the image the church ought to have. That’s not Jesus.
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