most ppl don’t know any better & i wouldn’t call it a character flaw but our society has a way of normalising things that shouldn’t be & we grew up following the ideologies of those who came before us bcs that’s our way of living & going against it is almost unimaginable and >>>
frowned upon but while we were fortunate enough to find ourselves in an environment where we learned to be able to tell the difference between rights & wrongs, don’t forget where we came from, in order to grow we unlearned a lot & had to let go of false beliefs>>
& we’re still not done unlearning, we struggle with things from our past everyday
my point is no one is born all knowing & everyday we come across those who have it all wrong unknowingly not bc they’re a bad person but in their twisted world that is how things work & instead of attacking them try finding a different approach to get through to them
remember you’re not doing anyone a favour when you attack someone just bcs they don’t have the knowledge but when you teach them that’s a win for everybody
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