People attacking Sanders for endorsing Biden are either being disingenuous or didn’t study Sanders’ career. He chose to run in the Dem Primary. He played by its rules. People who supported Sanders with eyes wide open knew this was a given if he lost. He told you he would do it.
Sanders could have spent 2016-2019 mobilizing a 3rd Party. But he wouldn’t do that. He never has advocated that path. Ask Ralph Nader about Bernie and 3rd parties. You can be angry or disappointed, but don’t pretend Sanders ever stood for a different outcome if he lost.
What Sanders did was a strategic attempt to overthrow the Dem establishment *by working within a system they control.* He won some battles but lost the war. The media smears against him, powerful players operating in secret, huge money,all of that was part of it, but they won.
Spending energy attacking Sanders is a waste of time & reveals a fundamental lack of understanding of what Sanders is & has always been and what he isn’t. He gave it an incredible effort and we can all learn from what Sanders managed to do and use it to fight harder and smarter.
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